150 years of experience dedicated to coffee, to working coffee and to pleasing coffee drinkers; 145 years have allowed the Barbera company to perfect an ‘integrated’ quality work method;
product, process development, national and international client services, and environmental protection.
For these same, sound entrepreneurial and moral principals which the Barbera family have handed down for more than a century, it has only been natural for them to adhere to voluntary, international rules, regarding quality, environment and product certification, thereby obtaining prestigious recognition.
Barbera has been a member of CSC (Certified Speciality Coffee) for more than 15 years. CSC is an association born of the experience and passion of a group of Italian roasters with a single common purpose: that of promoting the culture of quality coffee.
CSC certificates, with rigorous controls which lead to sure, demonstrable quality standards, guarantee the supply chain from plantation to the final cup of coffee. The association has issued the Barbera company with a special counterfeit-proof stamp, placed on the packaging, for their certified special blends, as a guarantee of excellence.
The certificate, issued by one of the leading authorized certifying bodies, attests the production of coffee blends using organic cultivation, compliant with EC Reg.834/2007. Organic cultivation, and subsequent processing of the product, is a system of agricultural production which fosters the rational management of resources to protect the agroecosystem in all its parts. The regulation foresees a ban on the use of artificial chemical products and products containing GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) in all phases of production and preparation. Furthermore, respect of fundamental principles is required, including authorized methods for soil preparation, ban on the use of unauthorized phytosanitary products, and the obligation to use organic seeds.
All Barbera products are characterized by rigorous quality controls throughout the supply chain, from purchase of raw materials through to packaging. The UNI EN ISO 9001/2000 certificate, issued by the international agency DNV Det Norske Veritas, testifies that the Barbera company management system has applied all the quality requirements necessary for the entire production process: importation, development, roasting, packing and distribution of coffee.
Barbera 1870 is amongst the first companies in the industry, at an international level, to have a system of food safety management conforming to the ISO 22000:2005 norm - a guarantee for the consumer, certified by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) one of the world’s leading certification bodies.
We are proud to have obtained, in 2004, and consistently maintained, the main international certification for environmental protection, UNI EN ISO 14001, issued by the international certifying body, Det Norske Veritas (DNV). This testifies the company’s sincere commitment to continual improvement regarding environmental protection.